Lion Eating Chicken Wings Painting
“Lion Eating Chicken Wings” is an 16x20in oil painting currently on display at Barnett Gallery. The painting can be purchased online on or in person at Barnett Gallery in Greer, SC.
“Lion Eating Chicken Wings” is an 16x20in oil painting currently on display at Barnett Gallery. The painting can be purchased online on or in person at Barnett Gallery in Greer, SC.
Coming up with ideas for paintings / drawings can be difficult to do sometimes when you have artist block. This blog post will give you creative inspiration for you next series of paintings. Here are several different ideas for paintings that are simple and easy to make. SUNSET Sunsets make great simple paintings and use…
Art styles are very confusing for people to understand and follow. For example, one common thing you will see someone say when they see a painting is that it is impressionistic. They do not understand what that means. There are only 3 types of painting styles. Everything else is just a sub-category under these styles….
Barnett Gallery is one of the top Art Galleries in Greenville, SC. We offer many services including art restoration, solo exhibits, art shows, art festivals, & art studios for rent. Our Art Gallery is one of the top fun things to do in Greenville, SC. That list also includes other fun things to do like…
STEP 1: Painting and Sculpting are technical crafts that require a lot of training to be good at. The training part can be skipped mostly if you already have natural ability which is called talent. Most people can practice and never even come close to a naturally talented person that practices. Creating paintings / sculptures…